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MANSORY 迈莎锐 兰博基尼 Urus 定制款厂家

作者:时间:2023-02-02 11:33:161487 次浏览


MANSORY VENATUS EVO based on the Lamborghini Urus with a stronger design, special painting with a massive power performance. this model impresses with its special amazing power performance of 820hp.

MANSORY VENATUS EVO based on the Lamborghini Urus with a stronger design, special painting with a massive power performance. this model impresses with its special amazing power performance of 820hp.

MANSORY VENATUS EVO基于兰博基尼Urus打造,具有更强的设计、特殊的涂装和强大的动力性能。特别是前保险杠和引擎盖旁边的碳纤维前挡泥板,侧裙板和空气动力学尾翼,锻造的轻质轮圈,这款车型有着惊人820马力。